Preserving the Relationship Between Mythical Creatures and Humanity
Who is Todd Calgi Gallicano?

The individual known as Todd Calgi Gallicano is not, as some have theorized, associated with or employed by the U.S. Department of Mythical Wildlife. His efforts at demystifying the actions of the DMW have been allowed for the purpose of informing a select group of citizens about the agency's important mission.
We have invited Mr. Gallicano to provide a biography for those who are curious about the author of “Guardians of the Gryphon’s Claw” (Case File: SL001).
Author Bio
Todd Calgi Gallicano is the author of “Guardians of the Gryphon’s Claw” and "The Selkie of San Francisco," the first two cases in the Sam London Adventure series from the Files of the Department of Mythical Wildlife. A graduate of New York University’s School of Film and Television, Todd began his career in the film industry, before venturing into the world of books when he was provided secret files from the Department of Mythical Wildlife's archives.
Despite pressure from the news media and government, Mr. Gallicano remains tightlipped when it comes to questions about the DMW and his sources within the secret organization. He encourages fans of Sam London to learn more about mythical creatures and to visit and support our nation's majestic National Parks.
When he's not hammering out the next Sam London novel on his 1938 Royal Deluxe typewriter, Mr. Gallicano hosts "The Creature Files" podcast, where he talks with experts and eyewitnesses about the mythical creatures living among us. He resides with his family in North Carolina and is constantly on the lookout for gargoyles, chupacabras and other nefarious creatures.
To learn more about Mr. Gallicano's author visits or to schedule one for your school, visit the Author Visits page.